Biomimetic Robotic Cat Interactive Design Course

The "Gogocat " gives students an exciting chance to explore machine design, coding, and creative thinking. In this course, we'll learn about how to make a robotic cat that moves like a cat. We'll put it together, write code, and use sensors to make it interact with the world. By doing this, we'll understand how machines work and how to solve problems using our creativity and skills.

Course Highlights:

We'll learn how to put together a robotic cat that can move its legs and head. This helps us understand how machines are built and how they can move.

We'll use special sensors to make our robotic cat react to things like how far something is or even sounds and lights. This way, we can make it do all sorts of interesting things!

We'll learn how to use a special computer called Arduino to write code. This code will tell our robotic cat what to do and how to move. It's like teaching the cat how to behave!

Don't worry if you're new to this. We'll start with easy things and then go to more advanced stuff. Step by step, we'll learn how to put things together, write code, and connect wires.

After we finish the course, you can try making your own projects! You can use what you've learned to make your robotic creations. This is where you can show off your creativity and skills.

The course doesn't stop here. We'll show you the basics, but there's so much more to learn. You can explore other exciting things in the world of machines and creativity.