


新竹關西東山社區長期致力於推廣社區環境生態教育,境內四寮溪良好的水質造就各種蝴蝶與蜻蜓等昆蟲棲息,光是蝴蝶種類就多達5 科 91 屬 152 種。社區發展協會曾透過生態攝影比賽並邀請相關學者建立物生態物種的田野調查,可以說是一個以自然生態教室為特色的社區。透過這堂課程,我們可以建立居民與環境生態之間的情感連結,同時也鼓勵長輩透過這個裝置,有機會向年輕的的世代與家人述說過去致力於保護環境的故事。




                  DOIT STUDIO





Dongshan habitat-Butterfly- bionic installation workshop

Dongshan Habitat-Butterfly is an educational program designed for elderly residents of the Hsinchu Dongshan community. The primary goal is to enable the elderly residents to reconnect with the rich ecological environment of their community by encouraging them to assemble and paint a butterfly model and take a photo of it in the natural surroundings along the Si-Liao stream.

The shape of the model is inspired by the posture of a butterfly, which indicates its natural habitat. Dongshan is a community in Hsinchu known as The Village of Longevity due to its well-preserved environment. Over the past few decades, the community committee has made significant efforts to protect the ecological environment, especially the butterfly habitats along the Si-Liao stream trail. The aim of this program is to establish an emotional bond between the elderly residents and their ecological surroundings and encourage them to share their stories with their younger generations. Assembling and painting the model provides a sense of fulfillment, and participants are encouraged to find a suitable location along the trail to share their creations with others. Moreover, the program provides the opportunity for the elderly residents to revisit and observe the rich ecological environment that they have long been familiar with.

The three-day workshop comprises of three components: 1. Painting practice, 2. Assembling training, and 3. Photo-taking and hiking. The painting practice involves using simple tools to paint the paper model and learning how to control the pigment to create a variety of wing patterns. The assembling training promotes flexibility of fingers and hand-eye coordination through assembling the screw parts and plastic model, providing a sense of fulfillment upon completion. The photo-taking and hiking component encourages participants to find a suitable location to take a photo of their model, share the results with others, and improve their health and wellbeing through the process.

Organizer:           Dongshan Community Commitee.

Co-Organizer :  CHU DoitStudio

Director:           Wu Ming-Hong

Designer:           Lin Yu-Ting.  Cho Hong-Hui. Hou Yu-Jou